Report: EMUC24 Congress highlights
November 15, 2024With a record-breaking attendance of 1,500 delegates from 75 countries and the auditoriums packed to capacity, the 16th European...
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mHSPC and CRPC session covers treatment response criteria, novel biomarkers and SBRT
November 10, 2024Led by medical oncologist Dr. Pasquale Rescigno (GB), urologist and EAU Section of Urological Imaging Chair Prof. Francesco Sanguedolce...
Strategies for preventing penile cancer
November 9, 2024On day 3 of EMUC24, urologist Dr. Christian Fankhauser (CH) delivered a practical lecture on “Guarding men’s health: Strategies...
WoodFire® ignites RCC deliberations
November 9, 2024The auditorium was set alight with multi-specialty discussions of WoodFire® during Plenary session 8 “Kidney Cancer update from Kidney...
What were the big game changers for 2024?
November 9, 2024Chaired by Prof. Axel Merseburger (DE), Dr. Alison Tree (GB) and Prof. Jan Oldenburg (NO), the game-changing session on...
Practice-changing papers to advance renal care
November 8, 2024On Day 2 of EMUC24, urologist Prof. Axel Bex (GB), radiotherapist Dr. Constantinos Zamboglou (DE), and medical oncologist Prof....
Intensification and novel risk classifications for high-risk PCa
November 8, 2024Plenary Session 2 “Addressing unmet needs: Approaches to prostate cancer challenges in high-risk and metastatic disease” kickstarted today with...
Stepping into their shoes: EU-ProPER studies partners of PCa patients
November 8, 2024What is the extent of the physical and psychological burdens that prostate cancer (PCa) imposes on the partners of...
Pathology: Is AI progressing in clinical application?
November 7, 2024In the European Society of Uropathology Symposium (ESUP) on Day 1 of EMUC24, expert speakers delivered updates on the...
Current evidence in PCa screening
November 7, 2024The inaugural session of the EAU Section of Urological Imaging programme, Plenary Session 1 “Prostate cancer screening” provided the...
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