Press Registration


EMUC25 is open to bona fide representatives of print and electronic media. The organisation is happy to offer discretionary free of charge registration to journalists who work at a news organisation that features original, editorial news coverage, that has editorial freedom from advertisers and/or sponsors, and in which advertisers and/or sponsors are clearly identified as such.

In order to be accredited for the Congress, media representatives are expected to actively report on EMUC25.


To be eligible for free press registration, applicants must write exclusively for the news organisation and provide the following materials for verification:

  • Media identification such as an international, accredited press pass or an official media-outlet-issued credential, dated 2025.
  • Two bylined medical/health/science articles/videos/reports published within the last year and a copy of the publication.
  • Letter verifying assignment to EMUC25 on the letterhead of the news organisation being represented

These documents can be uploaded in the online registration system

How to register

Registration for EMUC25 is soon.

To apply for press accreditation for EMUC25 you can register via the online registration system.

To complete the online registration and to speed up the accreditation process, all applications should be accompanied by the required documents as listed under eligibility for verification. You can email the documents to the Registrations Department.

Media registration in advance is strongly recommended. This enables us to deal with any queries or problems in advance. Journalists should confirm eligibility for media registration before making travel arrangements.