What is the extent of the physical and psychological burdens that prostate cancer (PCa) imposes on the partners of the patients? Patient Advocate Prof. André Deschamps (BE) presented the findings of The Europa Uomo Prostate Partners’ Experience Research (EU-ProPER) today during Plenary Session 3 “The EU-ProPER partners’ study” at EMUC24. Vice-Chairman Europa Uomo (EUomo) Mr. Ernst-Günther Carl (DE) spearheaded the session.
What is EU-ProPER?
EU-ProPER is a study that looks into the effects of PCa on the relationship, intimacy, sexuality, and social life. Available in 17 languages, a 20-minute online survey comprised of 80 questions and the SF-12v2® Health Survey was distributed in the EUomo member network. The survey collected 1,135 valid responses from 9 October to 31 December 2023.
The findings
Out of all the respondents, 46% reported that PCa has influenced their relationships. About 48% observed that their partners are not the same after PCa treatment(s). Around 32% reported effects on their social and family life and 19% reported reduced participation in own activities.
Sixty-seven percent disclosed a loss in intimacy. Only 27% of PCa partners are satisfied with their sex life. Around 73% declared that their sex life was better before the PCa diagnosis. About 32% reported frustration from their sex life. On communicating to their partners how they feel about their sex life, 29% disclosed they find it difficult.
Around 39% reported that incontinence is still taboo and has implications on their sex and social life (i.e. “Nobody apart from me is aware of my partner’s incontinence”). About 16% reported a need for mental support from a mental health professional.
Sixty-five percent were involved in the decision-making process regarding treatment. However, 16% were not aware of the consequences of the PCa treatment(s). About 20% received information about sexuality from healthcare providers (HCPs) and 52% searched for the information themselves.